Our Mission:
give hope.
The Lisa Ross Parker Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with a mission that encompasses two things:
1) Provide support for families touched by cancer
2) Assist animal welfare organizations
The Lisa Ross Parker Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with a mission that encompasses two things:
1) Provide support for families touched by cancer
2) Assist animal welfare organizations
Our Mission
The Lisa Ross Parker Foundation strives to charitably honor the legacy of Lisa Ross Parker by continuing to pursue her charitable passions...
Lisa Ross Parker
"I think the happiest and most appreciative people in this world are the ones who have experienced trials and tribulations. And the reason for that is they know the greatest emotion of all….HOPE!"
The above passage was Lisa Ross Parker’s journal entry for August 24th, 2001. Less than seven weeks later, she passed away after complications from a bone marrow transplant at the age of 33.
Margaret Meade
Thanks to generous donors like you, we have raised over $550K to support families touched by cancer and animal welfare organizations.
The Lisa Ross Parker Foundation was founded in 2004 and supports the State of Tennessee.
In our last fiscal year, 91% of all funds raised went to support our mission goals.